How Do You Know that You Have Solid Requirements for your new ERP

how do you know you have solid requirements for your new erp

Taking the time to carefully plan your requirements-gathering process can help you ensure that your new ERP system will be the right fit for your business, and help you achieve your business goals more quickly and effectively. So don’t rush it – do it right from the start, and enjoy all of the benefits that a well-implemented ERP can provide.

How much can we do with an ERP’s standard functionality?

When it comes to enterprise resource planning (ERP), there’s just no getting around the fact that you need it. But with all of the other demands on your time and budget, how much functionality do you really need? Is it worth investing in an ERP system that has all the bells and whistles, or can you make do with something more standard? In this blog post, we’ll take a look at what’s available with standard ERP functionality and help you decide whether an extended package is really necessary.

Do we need an industry specific ERP?

It’s no secret that enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems are critical to the success of any business. But with so many different ERP options on the market, how do you know which one is right for your organization? Do you need a system specifically tailored to your industry, or can you get away with a more general-purpose solution? In this post, we explore the pros and cons of industry-specific ERPs and share some tips for deciding which option is best for your business.

What is Good Smoke Testing?

Almost everything we do in life has some sort of testing process to ensure that what we are doing is good, and that it will work as planned. Smoke testing is no different. Smoke testing, or sanity testing, is a term used for software development and IT professionals who test the application before release or during beta testing to make sure the system is working as expected. But what is good smoke testing? And how can you be sure your smoke tests are effective? Let’s explore.

How to navigate a successful ERP implementation

Most organizations have a laundry list of goals for their ERP implementation, but all too often those lofty aspirations can end up derailed by unforeseen challenges and complications. A successful ERP implementation means striking the right balance between managing expectations and being flexible enough to handle unexpected bumps in the road. Here are four tips to help you navigate a successful ERP implementation.

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