Our services

We have a comprehensive array of services designed with a single purpose: to help you win.

Discovery phase

Discovery and market scan

Tired of talking to software vendors? Tap into industry experts who understand your pain points and gaps. We guide you through the entire process. Whether it’s framing your executive business case or building a business integration roadmap to kickstart your digital transformation journey, we are there to walk with you all the way.

Transformation needs change. Is your organization ready for change?

We get together with your business leaders and subject matter as experts to capture the current state of your organization, your business needs, and most importantly, the goals of your objectives

Documenting the current state is only one piece of the puzzle. Our teams identify best practices and illustrate a detailed picture of what your future state could look like. We also identify key milestones required to run a project including high-level budget estimates.

We then complete a comprehensive market scan exercise to come up with a recommendation a list of options that would help that would meet your business needs and resolve your pain points. At this point we can typically give you a more accurate budget for what needs to be done.

Finally we work with you to go through all recommended options and ensure that they align with your business strategy and budget

Technology and solution selection

Not sure which software solution is right for you? You are right. This is a daunting task. Leverage our expertise. We have both the business experience and technical acumen to help you make the right decision.

We help you identify your business requirements and success measures so that when you launch your request for proposals (RFP) and vendor selection, the process and requirements are clear. 

Our subject matter experts ensure that your system requirements and business needs are concisely covered as criteria for the system. This ensures that your potential vendors have a clear understanding of your needs. In addition, having clear and comprehensive requirements prepares pave the path for when the solution is implemented.

Photo by Shane Rounce on Unsplash

Solution implementation management 

Quite often customers need to augment their project team.  We are a team of seasoned and senior consultants who are focused and specialized in ERP implementations. We have participated in many ERP projects for enterprise companies and serviced different industries such as Telecom,  Energy, Utility, Construction, technology,  manufacturing and more.

One stop shop

Our team members cover all of the types of all skills sets required for implementing your solution. Our team will be on your side and we work with your selected vendor or system integrator to ensure that your business requirements are covered in the delivered solution.

Here are some types of resources that are typically needed on a project implementing an ERP solution:

Business Analysts work with the business and work with your key leaders to identify detailed business requirements that the system needs to support. 

Testing Specialists prove out the system according to the document requirements testing. Testing is critical to project success because it is the moment of truth in whether or not your system meets business requirements and expectations.

Solutions Architects work with the implementation consultants or your selected vendors on the design of the solution and ensure that any other systems at your organization are well integrated and seamless.

Subject matter experts bring real-world experience and expertise critical for understanding and developing future state processes.

Technical Leads work with your selected vendors’ technical teams and the internal IT teams to ensure that technical components are developed according to the acceptable standards and can be easily supported.

Craft business focused training

Traditionally, implementation projects usually focus on delivering the solution. Too often, they forget about the people to whom they will hand over the reins after going live. Training is critical to ensure that your staff is ready to use the system once they have received the keys. Training materials are needed for all team members. They should be able to refer to them when they operate the system, and especially over time as the business evolves.

Training, of course, needs to be delivered in a way that fits today’s new normal. It needs to be simple. It needs to come in bite-size pieces that focus on that speak to your team members and in a manner that maximizes retention.

Change management

Change management applies both to the IT department and to the overall organization as a whole. If you are looking for great user adoption and for your people to be receptive to your new system, then you need to pay attention to change management.

Our change management experts work with all impacted teams in your organization so that they are aware of all future changes. Equally important, they keep communication lines open with all impacted individuals to prepare for a smooth rollout.

Application managed services

We get it.  Sometimes it’s tough to support your new software solution.  Here at BlueSky, we keep supporting you even after the system is rolled out and our resources can continue to support your teams to make sure the system is used to full capacity.

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